Jay Kim Thinks...

Analog Thoughts on Digital Pages


I consider it a tremendous privilege and joy if anything I have to say might be helpful to you or your community.

Please email me at jay@jaykimthinks.com with any questions about possibly speaking at your event or gathering. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Below are some recent teachings and a few kind endorsements.

Glenn Packiam

Author + Speaker + Lead Pastor at Rock Harbor (Costa Mesa, CA)

Jay Kim is a dynamic preacher who speaks clearly to the challenges and questions of our real lives. He handles the Scriptures faithfully, drawing out its beauty and complexity, and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us today. Part of Jay’s brilliance is his ability to draw from an array of perspectives and disciplines, synthesizing insights or questioning cultural narratives in a way that is winsome and accessible. Best of all, Jay puts himself in the process—we get to see how the Word of God is working its way in and through his own life.

Steve Carter

Author + Speaker + Pastor

Jay Kim is one of my favorite preachers. Give him any passage, and he’ll make you never look at it the same, help you see the cultural richness, and then contrast that to our world today. His teachings are filled with insights that lead to clear application for anyone to put into practice, helping shape and form us more in the way of Jesus.

Tara Beth Leach

Author + Speaker + Lead Pastor at Good Shepherd Church (Naperville, IL)

Jay speaks with theological depth, thoughtfulness, and passion. Whenever I listen to him, I find myself sitting on the edge of my chair in anticipation of what he might say next. Jay is a thought leader for the church in America and a respected voice in many theological traditions. 

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Dan Kimball

Author + Speaker + Pastor at Vintage Faith Church (Santa Cruz, CA)

Jay is a gifted communicator who can speak effectively to a wide variety of people. He teaches from the Bible in a way that inspires and connects with people, helping them not only know more about Jesus but also commit more deeply to following him.


Nancy Ortberg

Author + Speaker + CEO of TBC

There is freshness and depth to Jay's teaching and that's a rare combination. I have listened to him teach passages I know well and have found myself considering in new ways what God is saying. Along with his teaching, he is strong, kind, full of integrity and smart... perhaps the rarest of combinations.

Jesse DeYoung

Lead Executive Pastor at Flatirons Church (Denver, CO)

Jay speaks with a winsomeness that draws the us in. He is thoughtful, passionate, vulnerable, and speaks with a prophetic voice into our current cultural moment. But if you’ve heard him before, you already know all that. What impressed me most about Jay is that he showed up at our church as a true pastor—encouraging our volunteers, serving our staff, and talking with every last person in the lobby. I couldn’t recommend more highly.

Josh Shipp

Author + Speaker + Youth Speaker University

Jay Kim is an intelligent and engaging speaker. He unpacks complex ideas in a way that helps people move past self-imposed hindrances and experience a new level of hope.


Michelle Woody

Songwriter + Worship Leader at Bethany Church (Seattle, WA)

Jay teaches with a brilliant mix of theological exposition and compelling storytelling. His thoughts are intelligent, funny, and extremely moving. Not to mention, he’s as humble and kind a human as they come.


Steve Clifford

Pastor at WestGate Church (Silicon Valley, CA)

I have had the opportunity to hear Jay teach many times and I have always found him not only thoughtful but also Biblical. He has an ability to bring the truth of the Scriptures to light in real and very personal ways. He is clear, funny and applicational in a way that challenges me to be more like Jesus and more the man I want to be. Having been up close and personal to see Jay and his family, I can tell you he is the real deal. If you get the chance to hear Jay speak, jump on it! You'll be the better for it!


Drew Dyck

Author + Speaker + Editor at Moody Publishing

Jay Kim is one of the most thoughtful young Christian leaders I know. He's an outstanding communicator with a rare ability to apply ancient biblical wisdom to contemporary cultural issues. I've been personally stretched and edified by his writing and look forward to see how God will continue to use Jay in the future.


Rene Schlaepfer

Author + Speaker + Lead Pastor at Twin Lakes Church (Aptos, CA)

Jay preaches like he’s got the Bible in one hand and his iPhone in the other - that is to say, he combines true Biblical teaching with up-to-date insight into contemporary culture, with all of its distractions and challenges to biblical truth. His insights have helped me grow. If you want true, deep teaching that speaks to the post-modern mind, plus warm, genuine, authentic humor that speaks to everyone’s heart, then Jay’s your man!

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Liz Ditty

Author + Speaker

Jay not only teaches with deep intellectual insight, he preaches straight to the soul with authority and humor. He has an intuition for the weighty moments in a message and lands those with incredible impact. It’s rare to come across a speaker who so consistently resonates with people wherever they are on their faith journey.